The Neurodevelopmental Approach to Developmental Delays
There is much hope for the child with developmental delays. This hope lies in the very nature of the brain and the central nervous system.
Down Syndrome - A Christian Neurodevelopmental Approach
The first purpose of this paper is to give you hope for a bright future for your child with Down Syndrome. A diagnosis of Down Syndrome typically comes with specific lists of what to expect and what the future holds. Don't believe them.
Autism is one of the most complicated and confusing labels that a child can be given. The reason it is so confusing is that it is a symptomatic label. This means there is no disease, as such, of autism, there are just unexplained symptoms manifested, and if a child displays enough of them they will receive the label.
Who has overcome learning disabilities?
I get the calls all the time: my child is 12 and is labeled ADD and can't read; my child is dyslexic and struggling with school; my child is in resource and it's affecting her self esteem; I'm homeschooling 6 children, but my 13 year old just isn't "getting it" and takes up all my time; I know he's bright but the teachers say he's too distractable and I should have him tested and possibly put on medication; my child can't follow directions; my child knows all the phonics rules but just can't seem to put it all together, my child is ADHD, my child is CAPD, my child is bipolar or ODD or has attachment disorder. A plethora of labels and problems; a world of worried and concerned parents.
I would like these concerned parents to meet some of "my families", families with children who have overcome their problems and gone on to function with or surpass their peers. The fact is that if we treat the causes of these problems, the children and adults can overcome their labels and go on to achieve the work the Lord has for them.
ADD: A Neurodevelopmental Approach
Attention Deficit Disorder is a common diagnosis of school age children. With the prevalence of this diagnosis, approximately 5 to 10% of the school-aged children according to the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, it is important that parents understand exactly what this label is, what it means, how it is determined and alternatives that are available for their children.
Dyslexia – A Neurodevelopmental Approach
In America the ability to learn is becoming a pressing topic of conversation in our homes, schools, the workplace, and even government agencies. Our nation worries about the education of its citizens. Companies are concerned about their workers’ ability to learn. School budgets and limited staff struggle under the weight of federal mandates and the learning challenges of their students. Homeschool moms question their ability to teach. At the heart of the struggle is the debilitating diagnosis of dyslexia, affecting an estimated 5-15% or more of U.S. children, particularly boys. It has been called “the most frequently occurring learning disability and the most common disorder of childhood” (Richards et al, 1999).
What It Is To Be "Labeled" Learning Disabled
Someone you know or love has been labeled "learning disabled." What does this mean? What are you to do now? The first and most important thing you can do is try to find out and understand what exactly does this label mean. It absolutely does not mean that someone has a disease. It does not have anything to do with how intelligent a person is. And it does not mean you have to accept it and live a life learning how to 'cope' with this problem. You need to try and find out what exactly the underlying inefficiencies are and then start eliminating them.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effect
The Neurodevelopmental Approach
There is much hope for the individual affected by alcohol in utero. Although identification and diagnosis has its place, your job as a parent is to find out how to best help your children reach their God-given potential. Parents need to know what is really causing the troublesome symptoms, and how they can help to remediate the problems. Do not let negative predictions limit the potential you see in your child. Individuals have defied labels for years and years by remediating the causes in very specific ways.
Down Syndrome/Autism - dual diagnosis
There is a small, but consistent and significant, portion of the children with Down Syndrome who also become labeled as autistic. Once parents have come to terms with the diagnosis of Down syndrome and all it entails, the addition of yet another label, another set of obstacles, often becomes overwhelming. In this article I hope to provide families with: demystifying information regarding the label of 'autistic'; proactive observation techniques to detect autistic-like or sensory behaviors; and practical ideas for eliminating the behaviors.